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A    acceleration card                  n a board that increases the speed of the processor

      access                                     v to be able to open a file, website, program,database, etc.

      accessory                               n an extra item that is added to sth and is useful or attractive but important

      access time                           n the average time required for the read/write head to move and have access to data;  measured in milliseconds. Also known as "seek time"

      acoustic coupler                   n a type of modem which allows an ordinary telephone receiver to be used for connecting a computer to the telephone network

       ADA                                         n  a programming language developed for the US Department of Defense, named  after Lord Byronś daughter Augusta Ada, who worked with  Charles Babbage  and is not unjustly described as the first programmer

      adaptor                                   n a device for connecting pieces of electrical equipment that were not designed  to be fitted together

      additive colour                      n a colour model on cathode ray tube displays

      address                                 n a code number that identifies the location of stored information

      adjust                                     v to change sth slightly

      Adobe Systems                    creators of the PostScript language and the Illustrator application, and suppliers of fonts for use with PostScript printers

     affect                                        v to make sth change in a particular way

     algorithm                                 n a series of instructions or a step-by-step procedure for the solution of a problem

     alias                                          n a nickname that refers to a person or a list of persons on the net

     align                                          v to arrange things in a straight line

     animation                                 n the process of creating and recording images that change over time

     appear                                       v to come into view so that you can see it

     applets                                     n small applications written in Java. When you display a Web page with Java links, a Java applet is executed automatically

     application generator            n a tool that allows applications to be created interactively. Frequently includes a fourth-generation language and a database management system

     application program              n a program which executes a specific task, such as word processing,database management or financial planning

     ARPANet                                  n Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, developed in the early 70s by the  US Department of Defense. This network is the precursor to the Internet

     arithmetic logic unit             n a component of the CPU which performs the actual arithmetic and logical operations asked for by a program

     arrow keys                             n direction or cursor keys that allow the user to move the insertion point around the screen

     assembler                              n a special program that converts a program written in a low- level language into machine code

     assembly language              n a low-level language in which instructions are the mneumonic equivalent of the  code understood by the machine. Used for specialized applications where speed  or compactness of code is the most important consideration

     AT-compatible                       adj  a computer which can run the same software as the IBM PC-AT, the model  introduced by IBM in 1984

    attachment                             n a file that has been included as part of an e.mail message

    attributes                                n characteristics that affect the visual representation of lines and polygons,e.g. line styles, rectangle colour, etc

    audio                                        adj connected with the recording of sound

    authentication                        n a security measure used to verify the userś identify on the net. When you configure the PPP program to access the Internet you have to enter a password and the user identification number 

     avatar                                      n an object which represents a participant in a three-dimensional chat room

B       background                           n the picture or colour on the first screen that appears when you turn on the computer (= desktop)

     backing store                        n a storage device with a larger capacity but slower access time than the main memory. This type of memory is stable. It can be in the form of hard disks, floppy  disks, tapes or optical disks

     back-up                                  n a copy of data or software, usually kept in case the original disk is damaged

     back up                                  v  to copy files from one disk to another

     band mode                            n a control or setting on a mobile phone which can be set at "digital" or "dual"

     bandwidth                             n  the quantity of data that can be transmitted through a network. It is measured in bits per second (bps)

     batch processing                 n a method of information processing in which transactions are prepared for input to the computer for processing as a single unit. There may be some delay between the occurence of the original events and the processing of data.Compare with real time       

        baud                                     n  a unit for measuring the rate of data transmission. One baud = 1 bit per second. Named after Baudot, a pioneer of telegraphic communication 

        binary digit                            n the smallest unit of information in the binary system, 0 or 1. Also called bit

        binary system                      n a notation system in which the base for each digital position is 2. In this system  numbers are represented by the two digits 0 and 1. Thus the binary number 10  represents 2 in decimal system, while 100 represents 4

        bit-mapped display             n a display that stores pixel information in RAM memory cells

        blink                                       v to come on and go off again quickly (used about light, text, etc)

        bookmark                             n a saved link that takes users directly to a Web address. Bookmarks are also called hotlist entries or favourites

        boot                                        v  to start up a computer

        bridge                                    n a device used to connect groups of computers

        browse                                  v to look for or look at information on the Internet

        browser                                n a program designed to fetch and display Web pages on the Internet

        bug                                         n an error in a program

        bulletin board                       n an online service that allows users to access and send information to other users quickly and easily. Any users who want to send or read messages dial up with their PC and modem combination to the central bulletin board system (BBS). Once connected they can share information and files using various facilities

         bus                                         n a channel, or highway, which carries signals between units in the CPU

         button                                    n a small box that user clicks, using mouse, to tell the computer to do sth

         byte                                        n a unit of information which consists of a fixed number of bits (usually 1 byte= 8 bits). A byte can represent any value from 0 to 255. The sequence of bits in a byte represents an instruction, letter, number or any other character. Compare with kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte

C       Cable modem                     n a modem designed to operate through a cable TV line. It offers a much greater bandwidth than a telephone line

         carbon copy                          n a copy of a letter, an e-mail, etc. that is sent to sb else as well as the person it is addressed to

         categorize                            v  to divide people or things into groups

         cell                                         n an intersection of a column and a row in a spreadsheet

         central processing unit (CPU)  n the "brain" of the computer. Its function is to execute programs stored in the main memory by fetching their instructions, examining them and then executing  them one after another. Its basic components are the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit and the registers. The CPU of a microcomputers is built into a single microprocessor chip.

        channel                                  n an IRC conversation area. There are thousands of channels on the Internet

        character                               n a symbol available on the keyboard (letter, number or blank space)

        chat                                         n a real-time interactive conversation on the Internet.See Internet relay chat

        chat room                              n a virtual room on the Internet where people can communicate with each other

        chip                                         n a tiny piece of silicon containing complex electronic circuits. Chips are used to make the hardware components of a computer

       Chooser                                  n a desk accessory supplied by Apple and used to select the printer you wish to use

       click                                         v  to press one of the buttons on a mouse to start an action on screen

       client program                       n Software running on your PC used to connect and obtain data from a server

       client-server                          n a system in which various client programs all connect to a central server to obtain information or to communicate

       clip art                                     n images shipped with graphics packages

       clipboard                                n a holding place for text or graphics that you have just cut or copied

       code                                        n a set of written computer instructions

       coding                                     n the process of writing instructions for a computer

       colour palette                        n the collection of colours available in a system. Its size depends on the hardware

       command                               n an order which the computer can obey. Synonymous with "instruction"

       communications port          n a socket at the back of your computer for a modem

       compact disk                         n this is said to exist between two computers if programs can be run on both without any change; it also refers to those applications that are executed in specific types of computers; these applications are "compatible" with the computer

       compiler                                  n a special program that converts a source program (written in a high-level language) into an object program (written in a lower-level language)

       compression                         n the process which makes computer data smaller so the information takes less space and may be transmitted in less time. Compressed files have extensions like .zip, .arj, .sit

       configuration                          n the physical components of a computer system

       control unit (CU)                    n a component of the CPU which coordinates all the other parts of the computer system. This unit is also responsible for fetching instructions from the main memory and determining their type

       cookies                                  n small files used by Web servers to know if you have visited their site before

       co-processor                        n a silicon chip which performs precise tasks and mathematical operations very rapidly. Sometimes it is called the "floating-point unit" or FPU

      copyright law                         n a law which gives the legal right to print, copy, etc. a piece of original work

      counter                                    n an electronic device or computer program for counting sth

      cracker                                   n an "intruder" who breaks  into computer systems for fun, to steal information, or to propagate viruses

       crash                                       1 n a serious failure which usually requires operator attention before the computer system can be restarted 2 v when a hard disk system fails, it is said to have "crashed"

      cross-platform                      adj can be used in different operating systems

      cursor                                     n the small flashing mark on a computer screen that shows where the next character on the screen will be displayed

       cyberspace                           n a term originated by William Gibson in his novel Neuromancer, now used to refer to the Internet

D      data                                         n information to be processed by a computer program. Data processing is the performing of operations on data to obtain information or solutions to a problem

        database                                n a file of structured data

        database administrator      n a person whose job is to design and manage a database

        database program               n an applications program used to store, organize and retrieve a large collection of data. Among other facilities, data can be searched, stored and updated

        data communication system    n a computer system  connected by telecommunications links (for data transmission)

        data transfer rate                n the average speed required to transmit data from a disk system to the main  memory. Usually measured in megabits per second

        debug                                     v  to correct program errors or "bugs"

        debugger                               n a tool which lets the user follow the execution of programs one statement at a time, in order to help find errors in the code

        decrease                               v  to make smaller or less

        decryption                             n the process of decoding (deciphering) secret data

        default                                    n what usually happens or appears on a computer screen if you do not make any other choice or change

        default font                           n a font used by the system until another font is chosen from the menu

        desk accessory                  n a miniapplication available on the Apple Menu. Examples; Calculator, Clock

        desktop                                n an area of work - the menu bar and other sections of the screen

        detachable                            adj that can be taken off

        dial up                                    v to connect to a network over phone lines using a modem and a computer

        dialog box                             n a message box requiring information from the user

        digital                                     adj using an electronics system that uses the numbers 1 and 0 to store data

        digitize                                   v the process of converting information into number code that can be processed by computers

       directory                                 n an alphabetical or chronological list of the contents (files) of a disk. Also known as catalogue

       disk                                         n a storage device made of flat circular plates with magnetizable surfaces.See floppy, hard and optical disk

       disk drive                             n the electronic mechanism that actually reads what is on a disk. If we are talking about hard disks, the disk and the drive are built into a single unit (hard disk=hard drive). If we are talking about floppies, the disk drive is the slot into which you insert a floppy disk

        display screen                    n the window where words, pictures, etc. are shown on a mobile phone

        dithering                              n the process of mixing two colours to produce an approximation to another colour. By using this shading technique, the human eye will blend the colours, increasing the apparent number of colours on the screen

       domain name                      n Internet sites are usually identified by a domain name, which consists of two or more parts separated by dots, e.g. The part on the left, a subdomain, is the most specific (e.g. ibm, whitehouse). The part on the right, a primary domain, is the most general; this can be a country (e.g. fr for France, es for Spain, it for Italy), or the type of organization (e.g. com for commercial, org for organization,edu for education, net for network). An IP address (e.g. is translated into a domain name (e.g. by a Domain Name System

       dot-matrix                            n a regular pattern of dots; conventionally used to refer to dot-matrix printers which, instead of printing formed characters, print an array of dots. There are two main types of dot-matrix printers; the 9-pin and the 24-pin. The two most important emulations for these printers are Epson and IBM Proprinter

      double-click                          v to press one of the buttons on a mouse twice quickly in order to start an action on screen

      download                                v  to transfer a file from one computer to another over the telephone

      drive                                         n  the part of the computer that reads and stores information on disks

      drop-down menu                  n a list of possible choices that appears on a computer screen when you click  on a title at the top

      dual                                           adj having or using two parts or aspects

E    edit                                            v to make changes and corrections to text and graphics. Well-known editing  techniques are: "select", "undo", "copy", "cut" and "paste" a portion of text

      electronic mail (e-mail)       n a facility which allows users to exchange messages electronically. Here is a  typical e-mail address:   "leo" is the user name, @ means "at", "sendanet" is the Internet service provider, and "es" means the server is based in Spain

       encrypt                                   v to encode data so that unauthorized users can´t read it

       encryption                             n the process of encrypting. Data encryption is important for network security,  particularly when sending confidential information such as credit card numbers

       EPS format                             n a file format that stands for "Encapsulated PostScript".It stores a file in a format  that can be imported into a different file

       erase                                       v to remove all or part of an image in an image editing program

       execute                                  v to perform the operations specified by a routine or instruction. Execute a program: run a program in a computer

       expansion slots                    n the connectors that allow the user to install expansion boards to improve the  computerś performance

       e-zine                                      n an interactive magazine on the Internet

F     fault tolerance                      n a technique to protect data from hardware failures such as disk crashes, bad controllers or the destruction of important information on a file server. Fault-tolerant systems are essential for LAN installations

        fax                                          n a facsimile machine that operates by scanning a document so that the image is  sent to a receiving machine which produces a copy of the original

        feature                                  n something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing

        field                                        n a unit of information in a "record". In a database, information is entered via fields

        file                                           n 1 a collection of records (in a database).2 a section of information stored on disk e.g a document or an application

        file compression                  n the encoding of a file info into a more compact format so that it occupies less disk space

        file extension                        n a collection of information, such as a Word document or a picture, which shows you the format of the file name, for example. avi for video,.doc for MS Word files, etc.

       file server                               n the combination of a software controller and a mass storage device which allows various users to share common files and applications (in a network)

       finger                                       n a programm that helps you find people on other Internet sites

       firewall                                    n a software and hardware device that allows limited access to an internal  network from the Internet. This prevents intruders from stealing or destroying confidential data

       firmware                                  n permanent software instructions contained in the ROM

       flame                                         n an angry or insulting comment on a discussion group ( on the Internet)

       flowchart                                  n a diagram or symbolic representation which shows the logical steps of a computer program

      flush                                         adj a line of type is said to be "flush" when there is no space between it and a reference line. For example, text that is "flush left" is aligned with the left margin of a page

      folder                                        n a holder of documents, applications and other folders on the Macintosh desktop. Folders (similar to subdirectories in other systems) allow you to organize information in different levels

      font                                            n the shape,style and size of a particular typeface, e.g Times Bold at 10pt

     font formats                            - PostScriptType 1&2, scalable font formats from Adobe Systems   - Truetype, scalable font format from Apple and Microsoft

      format                                       1 n the layout of a document, including page numbers, line spaces, margins,paragraph alignment, headers and footer, etc. 2  format a disk v to prepare a  disk for use. When a disk is initialized, the operating system marks tracks and  sectors on its surface

      fragmentation                         n disk performance can be affected by fragmentation. When the operating system cannot find enough contiguous space to store a complete file, the file is divided into several separated fragments.As disk fragmentation increases, disk efficiency starts decreasing

      frames                                      n subdivided areas of the screen. Some Web sites have frames or separate windows within the main window

      freeware                                  n software that is available free of charge for public use

      function key                             n a key on a computer keyboard which causes a specific operation to take place, other than the entry of a standard character. What function keys do depends on  the program

G   gateway                                    n a device used to interconnect different types of networks

      generate                                  v to create or produce

      gigabyte                                    n 1,024 megabytes

      gigahertz                                  n a unit of one thousand megahertz used to measure processor speed

      graphics tablet                         n an input device which allows the user to specify a position on the screen  by using a stylus. Tablets are more accurate than other devices

      graphical user interface (GUI)n an operating environment based on graphics (windows, icons,pop-up menus),mouse and pointer, e.g. the Macintosh system, Microsoft Windows,IBM OS/2 Warp or OSF Motif

     graphics package                     n software that allows the user to create and run graphics programs

H   hacker                                        n someone who invades a networkś privacy

     hard disk                                    n a disk made from a solid magnetic material used as a storage device. There  are different versions: fixed (internal,external), removable, etc.

     hardware                                     n the physical units which make up a computer system. See software

     hexademical system                n the notation of numbers to the base of 16.The ten decimal digits 0 to 9 are used, and in addition six more digits . A,B,C,D,E and F - to represent 10 to 15

     high-level language                 n a language in which each statement represents several machine code instructions, e.g. FORTRAN,COBOL,LISP,etc.

     home page                                n 1 the first page of a Web site that contains links to other pages 2 the default start-up page on which a Web browser starts

     host                                             n the computer which you contact to access the Internet

     hyperlink                                    n text, image or button that connects to other destinations on the Web. It is  like an embedded Web address that you can click

     hypermedia                                n a combination of hypertext and multimedia. A hypermedia document intergrates different formats (text, graphics, sound, and video) and contains links that take you to other sources

     hypertext                                    n text that contains links to other documents. The codes used to create hypertext documents are called HTML. See also Web

     hyphentation                              n the division of words into syllables by a short dash"-" or hyphen. To produce lines of equal length, word processors hyphenate words instead of stretching  word spaces too much

I    icon                                               n a small picture representing an object, process or function

     image                                           n a copy or picture of sth seen on a computer

     image map                                  n a clickable image that sends you to different Web pages depending on the area you work

     image setter                                 n a professional printer that generates high-resolution output on paper or microfilm

     inch                                               n the equivalent of 2.54 cm, or 72.27 points

     increase                                        v to make bigger or greater

     indentation                                   n this moves the edge of the text away from the margins towards the centre  of the page

     INITs                                               n system utilities activated when the computer is turned on

     ink-jet printer                               n a printer that generates an image by spraying tiny droplets of ink at the paper. By heating the ink within the print head, individual drops are expelled to make a  matrix of dots on the paper

    input                                               1 n the process of transferring information into the memory from some peripheral unit 2 v to transfer data, or program instructions, into the computer

    input devices                               n units of hardware which allow the user to enter information into the computer,  e.g. the keyboard, mouse, trackball, lightpen, graphics tablet, voice recognition devices

    insert                                              v to put sth into sth or between two things

    integrated package                     n software which includes a family applications - typically spreadsheet, word processor, database and graphics and communications modules. The modules  are linked by a common user interface

    interact                                         v to communicate directly with each other

    interactive                                    adj involving direct communication between a computer and the person using it

    interface                                       n channels and control circuits which provide a connection between the CPU and the peripherals. See also user interface

   internal memory                         n see main memory

   Internet                                         n a global network of computer networks which facilitates data communication  services such as e-mail, file transfer, information retrieval and newsgroup

   Internet relay chart                     n a system that allows many people to have live conversations (usually typed) simultaneuously on the Internet

   Internet telephone                     n a system that allows people to make phone calls via the Internet

   Internet TV                                  n a TV set used as an Internet device

   interpreter                                  n a programming environment that executes statements directly, avoiding the need for compilation

   intranet                                        n an internal company network which uses public Internet software but makes  the Web site only accessible to employees and authorized users

   IP address                                   n a number which identifies a computer on the Internet. Every machine on the Internet has a unique IP address, e.g.

J  Java                                             n the cross-platform programming language from Sun Microsystems for building Internet applications

    joystick                                      n an input device with a vertical lever used in computer games to move the cursor around the screen

    junk mail                                    n advertisements, etc. sent by post to people who have not asked for them

    justification                               n the process by which the space between the words and letters in a line of type is evenly divided to produce a line that is flush with both left and right margin

K kerning                                       n the process of adjusting the spaces between letters to achieve even, consistent letter spacing

    key pals                                     n pen pals (pen friends) that exchange e-mail messages

    keyboard                                   n an input device with typewriter keys for letters, numbers and line controllers. It may also have function keys for special purposes

    keypad                                       n a very small keyboard or set of buttons used for operating a small electronic device such as a mobile phone

    keyword                                    n a word or phrase that you type in when using a search engine to look for information on the Internet

    kilobit                                         n one thousand bits; unit used to measure the bandwidth of transmission, e.g. 56 kilobits per second

    kilobyte                                     n a unit for measuring the memory or disk space in thousands of bytes. Also called  k=024 bytes

L  laptop                                        n a small type of portable computer

     laser printer                            n a printer that uses a laser beam to fix the ink (toner) to the paper

     lightpen                                    n a highly sensitive photo-electronic device which uses the CRT screen  as the positioning reference. The user can pass the pen over the surface of  the screen to detect, draw or modify images displayed on the screen

     link                                             n see the hyperlink

     list server                                 n see mailing list

     load                                            v to read program instructions into the main memory

     local area network (LAN)      n a network contained in a relatively small area

     logical operator                      n a word (such as and, or, not) that is used in programming languages using search engines, etc. to give a computer more exact instructions about what it should look for or do

     login                                           n the act of identifying yourself when entering a network. You usually type your user name and password

     log on                                         v  to connect to a network, FTP site or Telnet remote system

     log off                                         v  to disconnect from a network or online system

     low-level language                   n a language in which each instruction has a corresponding machine code equivalent

M  machine code                           n binary code numbers, the only language that computers can understand  directly

     machine language                    n a low-level computer language that is only made up of 1s and 0s. It is the  only language that a computer understands

     macro                                         n 1 an abbrevation for "macro-instrucion". 2 a stored set of commands, control  sequences or definitions that is substituted for the macro name when that name is invoked

    mail server                                 n a computer and/or software that runs an e-mail system

    mailing list                                  n a system that allows people to send e-mail to one address. The messages are then distributed usually discussion groups which connect people with common interests

    mail merging                             n the process of combining a database file with a word processor to personalize  a standard letter

    mainframe                                 n the largest and most powerful type of computers. Mainframes process enormous amounts of data and are used in large installations

    main memory                           n the section which holds the instructions and data currently being processed:  also referred to as the "immediate access store", "primary memory" or "internal memory:"Microcomputers make use of two types of internal memory:RAM and ROM

    megabit                                       n a million binary digits; used to refer to storage devices

    megabyte                                   n 1,024 kilobytes

    megahertz                                 n a unit of a million cycles per second used to measure processor speed

    menu bar                                    n the area at the top of the screen which allows access to the various menus

    microchip                                   n see chip

   microprocessor                       n a chip, or integrated circuit, that processes the instructions provided by a software

   minimize                                     v to make a window on a computer into an icon

   mnemonic                                 n a label or abbrevation used to make words easier to remember

   modem                                       n a device attached to a computer and the telephone line allowing access   to wide networks. Standard telephone lines carry analogue signals, so the digital signals used by computers must be converted into the correct form by means of a modem

   monitor                                     n a CRT device which displays the computer output. Monochrome monitors display  one colour at a time, in contrast to colour monitors which can display many different colours at the same time

  mouse                                       n a small input device with a ball underneath that is rolled by the user to specify the position of the cursor or to make choices from the menu

  multimedia                               n this refers to the integration of existing technologies of audio, video, animation and telecommunications with computing. Multimedia applications are also known as hypermedia

  multitasking                            n the execution of several tasks at the same time

N   narrow                                    v to make smaller or less wide 

     navigate                                  v to use a map, etc. to move around a place or find your way somewhere

     navigation                               n the ability to find your way easily around somewhere/something

     navigation bar                        n the list of words or images at the top, bottom or side of a home page that shows you where to find everything on a website

     netiquette                               n rules of etiquette ("good manners") when sending messages to a mailing list or  newsgroup

    network                                   n a system of computer devices (e.g. CPUs,printers) or "nodes" interconnected so  that information and resources can be shared by a large number of users

    newsgroup                            n the public discussion areas which make up Usernet

    newsreader                           n a program that reads and sends articles to newsgroups

    node                                        n a point on a junction of communication lines in a network. In a communication network, various computer devices (nodes) are interconnected to permit information to be interchanged between those devices

    notebook                                n (also laptop) a small personal computer that you can carry

O object language                    n a language or set of instructions into which a source language is translated by a compiler

    object-oriented programming n a programming technique that allows the creation of "objects" which can be reused, or used as the foundation of others. Used to develop complex programs, especially GUI programs

    octal system                          n the notation of numbers using 8 as a base or radix

    offline                                       adj not connected to the net

    online                                       adj connected to the net

    online community                 n a group of people who all have sth in common and who meet and communicate regularly on the Internet

    operating system                  n the programs and routines which allow a computer to operate: it usually consists of a group of programs which coordinate the software and hardware of a computer system

    optical character recognition n technology that allows computers to recognize text input into a system with a  scanner. After a page has been scanned, an OCR program identifies fonts, styles  and graphic areas

    optical disk                             n a storage device in which data is recorded as microscopic "pits" by a laser beam. The data is read by photoelectric sensors which do not make active contact with the storage medium

    optical fibre cable                n a type of cable that guides light impulses at high frequencies along the glass fibre

    optional                                  adj that you can choose to do or not to do

    output                                     1 n  the results produced by a computer. 2 v to transfer information from a CPU to an output device

    output devices                    n the units of hardware which display the results produced by the computer (e.g. plotters, printers, monitors)

P  page description language n a computer language that describes how to print the text and images on each page of the document

    palmtop                                n a hand-held computer which is used as PC companion

    parallel port                         n an interface port on a printer used to communicate with the computer. It transmits  and receives 8 bits of data side by side

    Pascal                                   n a high-level language, named after Blaise Pascal

    password                            n a secret word which must be entered before access is given to a computer  system

    paste                                     v to copy or move text or graphics into a document from somewhere else

    patterns                               n a menu or palette from which the user can pick the required pattern to fill shapes  and draw borders

    peer-to-peer                       adj from one individual computer user to another, without using a central server

    performance                       n how well or badly a computer, machine, etc. works or does sth

    peripherals                         n the units connected to the CPU: input devices, output devices and storage devices

    phosphor                             n the material or substance of the CRT screen that lights up when struck by an  electron beam

    pica                                       n a unit of 4,23 mm used in typography

   piracy                                   n the illegal copying of programs

   pixel                                      n the smallest element of a display surface. In monochrome monitors, one pixel is the visual representation of a bit in the refresh buffer (the memory used for storing the picture for screen refresh). The pixel is white if the bit is 0, and black if the bit is 1. In colour monitors, each pixel can represent various bits

   platform                               n a type of computer system, e.g.IBM PCs and compatibles, Macintosh computers

   plot                                        v to draw lines connecting the points on a graph

   plotter                                   n a very common graphics output device which is used to make various types of engineering drawings

   plug-ins                                n special programs which extend the capabilities of a browser so that it can handle audio, video, 3-D and animation

   point                                     n a unit used to measure font types and the distance between baselines. A point is a subdivision of a pica; there are 12 points in a pica and 72.27 points in a inch

   pointer                                  n 1 a small picture that follows the mouse movements. 2 the cursor which locates  the insertion point on the screen, i.e. indicates where the next character will be displayed

   pop-up ad                            n an advertisement that suddenly appears when you are surfing the Internet

   port                                       n a socket or channel in the rear panel of the computer into which you can plug  a wide range of peripherals: modems, fax machines, hard drives, etc.

   PostScript                           n a page description or graphics language developed by Adobe Systems Inc. A Post-Script font is any font - such as Times or Helvetica - that is defined in the PostScript language

   primary colours                n these  are red, green and blue in computers. Compare with the colours considered  basic in inks (magneta, yellow and cyan)

   primitives                           n the basic shapes used to construct graphical objects: lines, polygons, etc

   printer                                n an output device which converts data into printed form. The output from a printer is referred to as print-out. There are various types of printers: laser, dot-matrix, etc

   printer driver                    n a program installed to control a particular type of printer

   process                              v to read data and use it to perform a series of tasks

   program                             n a set of instructions for solving a specific problem by computer

   programming                    n the process by which a set of instructions is produced for a computer to make it perform a specified task. The task can be anything from the solution to a mathematical problem to the production of a graphics package

    protocol                             n a set of rules which determine the formats by  which information may be exchanged between different systems

    proxy                                 n a special server which controls the traffic between the Internet and a private network. Thanks to this server all the computers of an internal network can access the Internet simultaneously. A proxy also contains security mechanisms. See also firewall

R  random access memory(RAM) n the part of the main memory which stores information temporarily while you are working. RAM requires a continuous power supply to retain information.Compare with ROM

    RAM cashe                       n certain amount of RAM memory which can be designated to store information that an application uses repeatedly

    random                              adj done,chosen, etc.without sb thinking or deciding in advance what is going to happen

    read only memory (ROM)n chips of memory containing information which is present and permanent

    real time                           adj involving the processing of data input to a system at almost the same time as the event which generates the data. Compare with batch processing

    reboot                               v  to restart the computer

    recipient                           n a person who receives sth

    record                               n a unit of a file consisting of a number of interrelated data elements (fields)

    recording heads             n the read/write heads of disk drives

    Recycle Bin                      n the folder in Microsoft Windows where files or programs that have been deleted  or removed are stored

    refresh rate                     n the number of times per second the display screen is scanned, creating the pixels. Also known as the " scan rate." (A refresh rate of 70 Hz or more is needed if flicker is to be avoided.)

    register                            n the component in the processor or other chip which holds the instruction from the memory while it is being executed

    removable disk              n a disk that stores data and that cab be taken out of the computer and carried about

    resolution                        n the maximum number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical directions of the screen; also refers to the number of pixels per inch

    restore                             v to put sth back into the position or condition it was in before

    retrieve                            v to find information that has been stored

    rotate                                v to make sth turn in a circle around a central point

    router                                n a device used to connect various LANs

    routine                              n a piece of code which performs a specific function or task in the operation of a program or system

    ruler icons                       n small graphics representing different format options - tab stops, paragraph alignment,line spacing, etc. - which are displayed in rows at the top of a Window screen

    run                                     v to use a computer program

S   save                                 v  to copy information from the RAM to a disk

     save as type                   n the instruction or command that tells a computer how(=in what file format) you want it to store a particular file

     save in                              n the instruction or command that tells a computer where (=on which drive,in which folder, etc.) you want it to store or keep a file

     scale                                 v 1 to magnify or shrink a particular font in order to use it at a range of point sizes

                                               2 to make an object larger  or smaller in any direction

     scanner                           n an input device that scans (reads) the image as a series of dots and introduces the information into the computerś memory. Flatbed scanners have a flat surface. Slide scanners work with 35 mm slides

     Scrapbook                      n a desk accessory in which you can keep images and text. You can copy,cut and paste frequently used pictures

     screen saver                 n a program that darkens the screen after you have not worked for several minutes.Designed to protect an unchanging image from burning into the screen, but used more often as a status symbol

      scroll                             v  to move a document in its window by using scroll bars so that text in another part of the document is visible

      scroll bar                      n a tool on a computer screen that you use to move text up and down or left and right

      search engine             n a program that  allows users to search a large database of Web addresses and  Internet resources. Examples of search engines are Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos

      secondary memory  n see backing store

      sector                          n a part of a track or band of a magnetic disk

      serial port                   n an interface port on a modem, mouse or printer used to communicate with the computer.It transmits and receives bits of data one after the other. Compare with parallel port

      server                         n a central computer that lets people access information on a network and that stores data  and programs centrally. There are many types of servers, such as POP3 servers,network servers and Web servers

       setting                       n one of the positions of the controls of a computer  that control the way sth looks or works and that can be changed by the user

      shareware                  n programs that are distributed free, via an electronic bulletin board or on a disk from user groups. The programmer usually requests that you send £5 or £ 10 to him or her, but only if you like the software

      shortcut                      n  an icon that opens a program. A shortcut key is a keyboard operation that starts a command.Shortcuts vary between computers and programs

      silicon chip                 n a device made up of a non-metallic semiconducting material (silicon), which contains a set of integrated circuits, with high-speed performance

      simulation                  n the creating of certain conditions that exist in real life using computers, etc. usually for study or training purposes

      single in-line memory modules (SIMMs) n boards containing RAM chips, connected to the mainboard of the computer

      smileys                      n faces made from punctuation characters to express emotions in e-mail messages

      snail mail                   n conventional mail delivered very slowly, in contrast with e-mail

      software                    n programs or instructions executed by computer. See hardware

      source program      n a program written in a source language, i.e. a programming language which cannot be directly processed by the hardware but requires "compilation" into an "object  program"

      spam                          n advertising material, etc. that is sent by e-mail to people who have not asked for it

      special effects         n effects that can be created by computer graphics

      spell checker            n a utility to correct typing mistakes. Some programs are able to correct grammar and style

      spooler                      n a utility which makes it possible to send one document to the printer (by creating a temporary file for it) so that the user can work on another

      spreadsheet            n an application program for financial planning which allows the user to analyse information  presented in tabular form, by manipulating rows and columns

      store                        v to keep information or data in a computerś memory

      streaming                 v technique for transmitting sound and video such that it can be processed as a continuous stream. The files are played while they are downloading

      style                           n a distinguishing visual characteristic of a typeface, e.g. plain text, italic, bold, etc.

      subroutine               n a set of instructions which performs a specific function of the program

      surf                            v to look for or look at information on the Internet

T    tags                           n codes used in an HTML document to mark the start, end or exact location of a formatting  feature or a link on a Web page

      techno-nerd            n a person who spends all his/her time on the Internet or working with new technology

      teletext                     n a method of communicating information by using TV signals. An extra signal is broadcast with the TV picture and translated into text on the screen by a decoder

      telex                          n an automatic exchange service which uses telegraphic equipment (e.g. teleprinters)

      Telnet                       n a network program which is used to log directly into remote computer systems. This enables you to run programs kept on them and edit files directly

      template                  n a plan of sth that is used as a model for producing other similar examples

      terabyte                   n 1,024 gigabytes

      terminal                    n a visual display unit where data may be input to or output from a data communications system

      text box                    n a box that appears on a computer screen where a user can type in text or information

      text editor                n a program, such as Notepad, that allows you to write and edit text files

      text message         n a written message that is sent from one mobile phone to another

      text wrap                 n the act or process of arranging words around a picture or inside a shape in DTP programs

      thesaurus                n a utility for searching synonyms and antonyms. Word finder

      three-dimensional (3-D)adj  3-D drawings have depth

      token                        n  a special unit of data which acts as akey on a Token Ring network; only the adapter in possession of the token can transmit on the network

      toolbar                     n a row of symbols (icons), usually below the menu bar, that represent the different commands or tools that a user needs to use a program

      tower                        n a metal box that contains the CPU, hard disk drive and power supply for a PC

      track                         n an area marked on the surface of a disk. When a disk is initialized, the operating system divides the surface of the disk into circular tracks, each one containing several sectors. A floppy disk usually contains 80 tracks. Tracks and sectors are used to organize the information stored on disk

      trackball                  n a stationary device that works like a mouse turned upside down. The ball spins freely to control the movement of the cursor on the screen

      transceiver             n a transmitter and receiver; a hardware component that sends and receives network signals

      transfer                   v to move sth from one place to another

      transformation       n the manipulation of an object by moving, rotating or scaling it

      transmission          n the action of sending sth out from one person, machine or thing to another

     two-dimensional (2-D) adj 2-D drawings have no depth (they look flat)

     typeface                    n a set of visually related shapes for the characters of a script. A bit-mapped typeface is where the characters are stored as images made up of dots. A bit-mapped typeface cannot be altered in size. A scalable typeface is one where the outline of the characters is stored  with   formulae which adjust the outline as the font is enlarged or shrunk

     typeset                      to set text as type

U  UNIX                            n a popular operating system designed by Bell Laboratories in the USA and widely adopted by many manufacturers

     untitled                     adj having no title or name. A graphics program will usually store a file as "untitled" if no other name is given

     update                       v  to correct, add or delete information in a file and thus ensure that the file reflects the latest situation

     upgrade                     v  to add or replace hardware or software in order to expand the computerś power

     upload                        v  to send a file from one computer to another via modem

     Usenet                       n a large collection of discussion areas (called "newsgroups") on the Internet

     user-friendly            adj an expression used to describe computers which are designed to be easy to use, by means of self-explanatory interaction between users and computer

     user interface          n the standard procedures for interaction with specific computers

     utility                          n a small program designed to improve the performance of the system. The term "system utility" refers to a diverse field covering anything from software designed to help you back  up your hard disk or locate files, to anti-virus programs or routines used by the system

V  videoconferencing  n a system that allows people in different parts of the world to have a eeting by watching and listening to each other using video screens

    virtual                         adj made to appear to exist

    virtual interface       n a type of interface based on virtual reality techniques. The user puts on a headmounted display, and uses data gloves and other devices which make you feel as if you are in  a 3-D world

    virtual reality             n a computer-generated space in which the user interacts with artificial objects and  environments through three-dimensional computer simulation. This is done by using sensory peripherals such as data gloves and head-mounted displays to give the feeling of being immersed into an illusionary, yet sensate, world

     virus                          n a piece of software which attaches itself to an application, the virus quickly spreads to the system files and other software. Some viruses can delete files or destroy the contents of hard disks

     voicemail                  n an electronic system which can store telephone messages, so that you can listen to them  later

     voxel                         n a volume element, analogous to pixels. In spatial-partitioning representations, a solid can be decomposed into cubic cells (voxels)

W   Web                            n hypertext-based system by which you can navigate through the Internet. By using a special program known as a "browser" you can find news, pictures, virtual museums, electronic magazines - any topic you can imagine. You travel through the Web pages by clicking on keywords that take you to other pages or other Web sites. It is also known as  the World Wide Web or WWW

       Web-authoring        n the process of creating web pages by writing HTML code (=an authoring language)

       Web-based               adj connected to, or made available via, the Internet and the World Wide Web

       Web camera            n a video camera connected to a computer that is connected to a computer that is connected to the Internet, so that its images can be seen by Internet users

       Web design            n the job or activity of drawing or planning web pages

       website                    n a location on the Internet where a company puts web pages with information

        Wi-Fi                          n Wireless Fidelity; a wireless technology for computers

       wide area network (WAN) n a network that extends outside a building or small area. For long-distance   communications, LANs are usually connected into a WAN

        widow                     n a single line ending a paragraph and appearing at the top of a printed page column

        window                   n a rectangle on the desktop that displays information

        window-based      adj this refers to an application or program whose interface is based around windows

        wire cable              n a type of cable used to connect computers

        word processor    n an application that manipulates text and produces documents suitable for printing

        word wrap             n an editing facility which automatically moves a word to the next line if there is not enough space for the complete word on the current line

        World Wide Web   n a worldwide collection of electronic documents formatted in HTML

        workstation           n a computer system which usually includes a defined collection of input and output devices










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